Author: Victoria King Kondos

Finding ways to conserve energy and reduce your electric bills can be extremely frustrating because we rely on electricity for so many daily activities. From space heaters to air conditioners to lighting to appliances to TV’s to phone chargers to hair dryers to computers. The...

Welcome to the dog day of August. It is the middle of the summer and our homes are battling the summer sun for a few months. Are you looking for ways to keep your house cool? Are you tired of seeing your summer utility bills rise each year...

How much does an energy audit cost? It's a great question because the quality and cost of energy audits in the marketplace vary widely. Energy audit costs range from the "no cost" audits offered by some companies to roughly $500. Be sure to find out what the energy...

Home energy audits improve your home comfort and reduce your utility bills. However, achieving the desired results requires a proper energy assessment. In order to complete a qualified home energy audit, you need a certified energy auditor. Why work with a certified energy auditor? Because certain...

What is a quality energy audit? Quality energy audits provide homeowners with detailed information about existing and potential home comfort problems. As a result, homeowners receive clear recommendations about resolving these potential issues. For example, most (if not all) homeowners want lower energy bills. Therefore, the...

Many energy service companies and utility programs offer homeowners a free energy audit. Typically, these no-cost energy audits provide generalizations about the energy use in your home. As a result, they lack specific recommendations that provide customized energy savings for you and your family. However,...

From dust and mildew to drafty rooms and windows, there are common problems dealing with home maintenance. Learn about these common problems and solutions. Problem: Drafty Rooms Solution: Air sealing helps stop drafts and improves comfort and energy efficiency of your home. Plus, air sealing reduces your utility...