07 Aug How Much Does an Energy Audit Cost?
How much does an energy audit cost?
It's a great question because the quality and cost of energy audits in the marketplace vary widely. Energy audit costs range from the "no cost" audits offered by some companies to roughly $500. Be sure to find out what the energy audit includes for the cost.
Understand What Type of Audit the Auditor Conducts
For example, some companies offer high level energy audits called “walk-through” audits. These audits do not include any measuring or diagnostic testing. Conversely, other companies offer comprehensive audits. A comprehensive energy audit includes diagnostic testing methods that more accurately evaluate your home. For instance, an audit provides information on the “leakiness” or air tightness of your home. This measurement cannot be estimated or guessed at during a walk-though energy audit. A proper energy audits tests your home for the air leakage rate.
Additionally, be wary of companies that use low to no-cost energy audits as a vehicle to sell specific products. Some companies inform you they conduct home energy audits as a sales pitch. For example, window companies offer audits and surprisingly, the results recommend new energy efficient windows. Therefore, ensure your audit provides written documentation with your energy assessment. Ask if he results include payback periods so you understand when an improvement pays for itself. The characteristics of an energy audit determine the recommendations. The products offered by an auditing company do not determine the recommendations.
To understand the type of energy audit performed, you must ask questions prior to hiring an energy auditor.
10 Questions to ask the Energy Auditor before having an Energy Audit
Prior to scheduling an audit, ask how much does an energy audit cost. Next, ask questions about what is included and the process to conduct the energy audit. In order to improve the energy efficiency of your home, then take the time to conduct a complete audit. If you ask questions and understand the audit process, you dramatically increase the chances that the energy audit achieves energy improvements.
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