09 Jul Owning a Home Performance Business
Owning a franchise can offer many benefits to help you manage and grow your business. Franchisors provide training materials and manuals to help their franchisees run a successful business. They have already “made the costly mistakes” and corrected them so that you don’t have to. Potential owners, however, face high upfront costs, contracts, and ongoing royalties which come with owning a franchise. Franchisors can charge the upfront costs because they have the proven systems and name brand recognition.
GreenHomes America takes the advantages of a franchise model but with significantly reduced costs. First, we too are a national brand with years of experience in the business. Second, we have done all the homework, and proven our concepts, methods, procedures and systems.
However, unlike traditional franchisors, we package all of our proprietary information in an easier and cost effective manner. At GreenHomes America, you only purchase what you need, when you need it and at a fraction of the cost - with no ongoing royalty fees! Purchase only one module at a time, or the entire COM package, it’s all up to you!
The GreenHomes America confidential operating manuals, or COMS, detail all of these systems that are essential for you to start, add, and grow a successful home performance business. They are comprehensive training materials and operating procedures for all aspects of home performance.
One of the many benefits of becoming a member of the GreenHomes America Network include access to these valuable documents.
The Energy Audit Process Module consists of your step by step guide on how to perform a Home Energy Audit. It consists of how to perform the tests, exactly what to say to the customer during each step of the process, and how to calculate all of the measurements that go along with an energy audit.
Your very own Sales Module explains how to conduct efficient sales meetings, setting goals and targets, how to generate business leads when working in a home, and what to say when dealing with customers.
The Office Process Module includes how to collect payments at the end of completed work, creating service orders, and how to monitor sales, orders, and production targets to achieve your revenue goals.
Our Marketing Module brings you through creating effective direct mailing, show and fair strategies, social media tips, and guided marketing campaigns.
The Production and Safety Module is a comprehensive tool, with detailed safety procedures, as well as complete instructions on how to air seal and insulate all areas of a home. This comprehensive document includes dozens of forms, reference guides, and checklists for your staff to follow.
Personnel Module describes the roles and functions of each of the positions in your business, including performance review forms.
Professional Business Development and Consulting Services available on request.
If you would like to learn more about how our systems can help you start, streamline and grow your business, contact us today at info@greenhomesamerica.com.
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