A Major Source Of Heat Loss
Homes being constructed today are more energy efficient than ever before, except in this typically overlooked area!
Heat loss from uninsulated basements and crawl spaces may represent up to 50 percent of a home's total heat loss in a tightly sealed, well-insulated home.
Musty Odors and Cold Floors
The problem with basements is the earth is damp. With damp soil the water vapor moves upward into the house and if left exposed, leaves a continuous stream of water vapor creating musty smells (like mold and mildew odors), as well as cold floors.
Water can come from various sources like groundwater seeps, leaks and even may rush into many basements and crawlspaces. It enters under the footing, between the footing and the walls, and seeps right through block walls (like Cinder Block).
Block Walls Are Common Culprits
While Cinder block walls are the easiest and cheapest material to build a foundation with, they are also least resistant to water and air making them very porous, leaky and a common place for mold to grow.
Negative Effects of Wet Damp Crawlspaces
Damp crawlspaces can affect all floors of your house right up to the attic!
- Increased energy bills – damp air takes more energy to cool in the summer and heat in the winter
- Dust Mites (the number one indoor allergen)
- Sticking (swollen) doors and windows
- Smelly damp carpets
- Buckling hardwood floors
- Condensation/ rotting / mold in your attic (as humid air escapes into your attic it can condense against the cold ceiling or roof)
- Frost or condensation and mold on the inside of windows in cool weather
- Mold upstairs
- Decreased life of roof sheathing and shingles
- Aggravated asthma and allergies